Water Tumbler

Manufacturer: U.S. Glass Co.
Patterns:Antique Thumbprint
Catalog No.: 4016-9
Description: Mfg.'s Description: 8 1/2 Oz.
Dimensions: 4 1/8" tall, 3 1/16" open, 2 1/2" base
Seam Count: 0
Thumbprints: 0
Star/Ray: No
Pressing: Hand Pressed
Staining: Hand Painted/Stained
Original Catalog Image
Original Catalog Image

This piece was manufactured by U.S. Glass Co. as part of the Antique Thumbprint pattern, catalog number 4016-9. Catalogs also provided the following description: 8 1/2 Oz..

The general dimensions of the piece are: 4 1/8" tall, 3 1/16" open, 2 1/2" base

The piece has 0 seams, 0 thumbprints, and does not have a star/ray in the center/base. The piece was hand pressed, and when done, it was painted/stained by hand.

Plum (1961 - 1962)
Golden Bananna (1961 - 1962)
Empire Green (1961 - 1962)
Cobalt Blue (1961 - 1962)
Plum 1961 - 1962
Golden Bananna 1961 - 1962
Empire Green 1961 - 1962
Cobalt Blue 1961 - 1962

As staining can be done at any time against the glass, variants are possible. Our standard colors reflect only those known to have been applyed by the manufacturer.
